By Stacey Steinbaum, Trauma Certified Clinical Therapist, MSW, LCSW, CCTP
The outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic has overwhelmed our society. We are all going through a difficult time transitioning into social distancing, online school, working from home, financial stress, and fear of contracting the virus. The ability to manage our stress is very important during this crucial time. Taking care of our mental health is important for both parents and children. Our mental health issues do not go on hold during a public health crisis.
COVID-19 adds an additional layer of stress to the difficulties of everyday life. Having the support of a therapist will help guide you successfully through a challenging time.
Telehealth (teletherapy) provides clients with the convenience and privacy of one-on-one therapy sessions via video conferencing with a licensed therapist. These sessions provide you continuity of care from any location and can be accessed via cellphone, tablet or computer. Clinicians use a secure communication platform to safeguard your privacy. Teletherapy provides a person-to-person connection while providing social distancing. It can be a useful part of your self-growth and development during this public health crisis. The stigma related to therapy needs to be replaced with concepts of seeking clarity, personal growth, and resilience.
Therapeutic guidance provides support for parents taking on the enormous responsibility of helping their families effectively cope with the concerns and challenges brought on by the coronavirus. Psychological distress and panic do not have to be a part of this experience. How you respond to critical events around you impacts how your children will adjust. Through therapy, parents learn the skills needed for developing new routines, modeling positive behaviors, and balancing their own emotions and concerns. For children and teens, working with a therapist can be beneficial in learning strategies for coping with fear, anxiety, and new adjustments. As students transition to online school, they will need to be self-directed, organized, and be able to prioritize their assignments. Consulting with another adult, besides their parents, through teletherapy will help them achieve these important objectives.
We are all in this together. History has demonstrated that our society has the innate ability to pull through difficult times. We use our resources, creativity, and compassion to find solutions for a better tomorrow. Prioritizing your mental health can be achieved during a period of quarantine through teletherapy.
If you are a resident of Florida and looking for a licensed telehealth therapist call Personal Therapy Services (954) 491-0330 for your therapy needs.