The Bachelorette contestant Tyler Gwozdz uses his Instagram platform to talk about MOSS:
In his Instagram post, Tyler writes:
“Television has been an amazing experience- I made friends and memories for life. But now it’s time to do more, and use this platform for the next generation. The wonderful woman to my left is my friend Lori.
@lorialhadeff8 founded @MakeOurSchoolsSafe after her 14 year young daughter, Alyssa Alhadeff, was brutally murdered in her English class on 2/14/18 at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. 16 other innocent lives were lost in the mass school shooting.
Please join me and be a #voice for #change
Your Voice Is Your Power. I’ve always believed that learning to read and write makes a child absolutely unstoppable- this great nation’s #schools deserve modern updated #safety changes and layers of protection. Children & #teachers deserve to be feel and BE safe in school. #Together we can Make Our Schools Safe. Follow @MakeOurSchoolsSafe to witness the journey and help support the mission.”